
We know that good teaching brings out the best in students. Appropriate qualifications, experience and expert knowledge are crucial for the training but there is something more than that. Only an instructor with great personality, charisma and openness to other people can fully convey what is the most important in flying - knowledge, practical skills and ability to make reasonable decisions. And such instructors work with us. Our crew consists of experienced pilots who are not only passionate about flying but also about transferring their knowledge to future pilots. Meet our crew!


flight training center

Danuta Glejzer
Head of Training (HT) - instructor and CAA approved examiner

Her calmness, enthusiasm and professionalism will make every minute of your flight an extremely valuable experience. As a long-term Head of Training, instructor and CAA approved examiner she actively participated in establishing of our flight training center. Throughout many years she has successfully trained number of students, who are now private pilots or work for airlines. She is consistent in her actions, patiently works on students’ skills building up their confidence, which reflects in their progress. She knows how to share her passion for flying with others. She also knows what an extraordinary experience for her students the first flight might be. That’s why she very often tries to capture this moment... in pictures! After the flight you may receive a photo of you behind the controls of one of our aircrafts. It is very motivational!


Andrzej Schutty
Instructor and CAA approved examiner

A pilot with vast experience, longtime instructor, CAA approved examiner and Head of Training in many big aviation centers. Calm and composed, always keeps eye on things and pays attention to flight safety procedures. He offers valuable advice and is always ready to help, which is very much appreciated by student pilots.